A process based on silicon
Most photovoltaic panels use polycrystalline silicon wafer. As a consequence many tools used in the semiconductor industries apply, with some adaptations, to the PV cell manufacturing.
Our experience
We have developed several projects for the PV manufacturing:
- Development of the controller for tools handling PV cells to load them from cassettes to boats and then on paddles for horizontal furnaces with PV2 connectivity
- Development of the controller for tools handling PV cells to load them from boats to paddles for horizontal furnaces with PV2 connectivity
- Programming of a 6-axis robot for PV cell transfer
- Development of the controller of a cluster tool with PECVD process modules for hetero-junction PV cells
Projects have been commissioned in factories worldwide.
Dedicated products
Agileo Automation has capitalized on its diversified experience to develop software products that enable photovoltaic OEMs to :
- Be in the right "time to market".
- Reduce their software development effort
- Focus on their core business
We propose field-proven products for the photovoltaic industry:
- Agil'GEM: a PV2 library (based on SECS/GEM) to connect equipment to the Fab IT system (Host or MES)
- Speech Scenario: a Host or Equipment emulator to validate PV2 communication before delivery
- A²ECF Semi: A software framework to develop applications controlling tools ranging from standalone process modules to complex cluster tools with multiple process modules and robotics. It also provides PV2 connectivity