
Soitec: Benefits of the Digital Twin for Equipment Integration

Soitec: Benefits of the Digital Twin for Equipment Integration


Soitec: Benefits of the Digital Twin for Equipment Integration

To prepare for the integration of a new automated SOI wafer loading robot into its production lines based in Bernin, France and Singapore, Soitec has relied upon Agileo Automation’s digital twin and SECS/GEM connectivity solution. The company had three key objectives:

  • Eliminate the workload associated with the development of an in-house simulator,
  • Create a comprehensive work environment to allow the completion of multiple tests without interrupting production,
  • Benefit from an interface based on the same software as the wafer loading robot control system to faithfully emulate its motions.

Let’s take a look back at this collaboration with the testimonial of Soitec IT Architect Dany Adolphe who managed the project.

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Agileo automation

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