
UNITY SC : Reducing dependency on EFEM manufacturers

 UNITY SC : Reducing dependency on EFEM manufacturers


UNITY SC : Reducing dependency on EFEM manufacturers

To integrate its inspection and metrology modules into its customers’ industrial production lines, UnitySC uses different EFEMs (robotic wafer-loading platforms) depending on the semiconductors and types of wafers used. This diversity of equipment ended up slowing down the integration process. “Configuring the control of EFEMs using their respective manufacturer’s software can take up to two months, thus delaying the deployment of our process modules on our customers’ production,” explains Eloi Delorme, General Manager and CFO of UnitySC.

UnitySC entrusted Agileo with solving this challenge and relied on Agileo’s A²ECF-SEMI  framework to manage the different loading platforms available on the market from its process modules. “

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